
Sunday, October 26, 2014


Two things:  I changed the title of the blog.  My husband did not like the original title and I must admit it was a bit unoriginal.  I might leave the url the same.

AND- I am desperately trying to find an example of our exterior color choices.  I mean I FOUND an example of our exterior color choices and even showed my husband.  And it was so easy, the first time.  For the life of me I cannot, I mean CAN NOT find that image again.  I know it was a still from a video so I have been scanning all the Ryan home vids and I have yet to find anything.
I would have been happy and tossed my desperate search to the side had I been allowed to snap a photo of our color scheme from the book, but my husband wouldn't let me.  The kids and I tend to linger when ever we go to the model home and he wanted to be home in time for the Eagles game (after we took the kids trick or treating of course.  Yes on a Sunday)

Thus I am a maniac trying to find THE image again.  I think they even had our stone!  (Totally different community. So far we seem to be only one who have picked the Spanish olive siding).

SO- if anyone in blog land can find the color scheme from Ryan Homes with Spanish Olive siding, fiery red shutters and French Roast exterior colors  PLEASE POST A LINK!!!!!

Please and thank you.

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