
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Happy Dance Post

I have been stalking the weather channel like a mad woman, hoping beyond hope that it doesn't rain tomorrow and we can break ground.  I guess all my mad ranting and mumbling have worked because now the chance of rain has dropped down to 20%!  Of course a mixed bag of rain and snow is now at 100% for Wednesday but that can still change.  The next couple weeks actually look real good for finishing the foundation of  the house.   Winter home building in the northeast is going to be a real roller coaster of a ride I can see. 

In the mean time- I will try to keep myself busy with my Etsy shop. Yep I have one of those too, I will talk more about that later.  Any who- as I promised my husband that I will pay for my hard fought for island- I need to make some serious cash with my little shop.  Normally, I wouldn't care as it is really still a fun hobby for me.  But now, I need some of last year's magic to make it happen.  So far I have about $700 probably more like $900 but I prefer to underestimate for this particular project.  


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