
Monday, December 15, 2014

India, Etsy and A name

Life is hectic this week.   My husband is in India attending a wedding (wish I had off to go!) and thus its just me and the boys.  I guess they took pity on me the last couple of days and have been quite nice to each other and no fighting.  Heck even my picky eater has been eating his food with very little coaxing.

 What do you do when you partner in crime is having the time of his life without you?  Work  on your Etsy orders of course!  I have been running an Etsy shop since 2009 for fun versus need of income.  My shop specializes in natural hair and skin products and I have quite few regular customers.  Etsy takes up what little free time I do have which generally means I am busy from sun up to sun down and then sometimes past that.  This shop is how I am paying for my gourmet island and I am currently $400 away from goal. 

And what's his name next door has a name!  My SR supplied that the other day and I am glad she did.  I swore his name was like Thomas or something to that effect.  I was waaaaayyyyyy off! 

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