
Monday, January 5, 2015

Believe it!

Quick update on the range that I will soon be leaving behind.  It's gonna cost me $233 to fix it.  That is a lot cheaper than having to buy a new range but money I can ill afford to shell out right now.  Apparently the control board is not communicating with everything else so the oven does not know it should turn on and get hot.  The part has to be ordered thus turning a 1 hour job into a 2 day event.
To top it off my lovely neighbors parked BOTH of their cars in front of my house forcing me to park around the corner and walk in cold windy weather.   I can not wait until I have my own driveway and a usable garage!

On a side note- my community has changed its home offerings.  Included its current line up is the Florence and the Sewickley.  These homes have smaller standard foot print of less than 2, 000 square feet each.  I am assuming this is an effort to attract buyers that want a smaller home.  Not sure how I feel about this as I think it has the potential to bring down our current home value.  Can someone tell me if I am right on this?


  1. Sorry to hear about the range. I'm sure that all that has taken place is more motivation to move on. Hang in there--I know it can be difficult. I'm not sure about how the smaller homes will impact the neighborhood, but if you have a realtor you may want to ask him/her. I would assume that it might have some impact if the price per sq. feet is considerably different.

  2. Oh I wish they were building smaller in our area. they only get bigger. and my assessments have GROWN also. I think smaller for you is better,more than likely it will keep your comparables down as far as yearly assessments. I doubt you are planning to move anytime soon so you dont have to worry about it dragging down your marketvalue. its all good to me, rather smaller than bigger if you ask me.

  3. I never considered how smaller or larger homes would affect our home value. We have the largest lot and barely squeezed our house onto it. Our direct neighbors will have to be half our size to fit. I wonder if they take that into account when they appraise it, or if the houses have to be built first. This all brings out some interesting questions. i guess it's another conversation I need to have with our sales rep.
