
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Never thought........

I never thought I would feel so nostalgic over lot I ALMOST purchased.   Well yeah, turns out I do.  My new neighbor and fellow blogger just put a sold sign on good ol' lot 41.  While I am happy for her and her family, I kind of miss the walk out basement we nearly had- silly right?  But I will be okay since I am inviting myself to her home on a regular basis, lol.  I wonder what she is going think when she reads this?

Congrats LOT 41


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  2. Baaaahaaaahaaaa!!! This post just made me laugh out loud!! :->>> Thanks for the congratulatory note and thanks for all the helpful tips and advice throughout this early stage process.
    Awwwww....we are truly excited!! We are envious that you guys are closer to the park!! Hey, truth be told....I'm now thinking this Lot 41 will cost us more than we bargained for! We will need to build a deck plus a paver patio. pool I so really want (that will have to wait a few years). We may need to be entertaining at your pad first since you will be all settled in by the time we arrive! ;-) Hope to run into you soon. Let us know If you ever come across any neighborhood events.

    1. Ha! My kids take swimming lessons right now- so go ahead and build your fancy pool- you may find two little boys practicing their backstroke, lol.
      I am hoping to have enough decorating completed to have a get together at my home by mid summer- but we will see.

  3. Sterling, Lot 4 here...signed the kids up today for swimming lessons once I heard about a pool! Lol!
    LChapman, hello neighbor, I drove by your lot on our way to pre-construction. That's a big house! Looks great!

    1. Ok, neighbors...bring on the pool parties. I hope the HOA won't decline a pool in a few years. Currently we have a huge 34 ft travel trailer for camping trips while the kids are so young. Don't fret, it will be stored in another place so it won't be an eye-sore. It's actually a really nice one and our friends joke that we "Glamp" and don't camp. Haha! Our plan is to get a pool when the kids get older though and sell the RV (if hubby can let it go!).

  4. Oh the journey with Ryan Homes! We will have been in our Ravenna 3 years in February and we learned so much from other bloggers during our build process! If not for them we would not have a few of the things we love the most about our house. It looks as if your neighborhood is full of bloggers - I swear I was the only one in ours. But - we have a neighborhood facebook group, which is a nice way to communicate everything from "Someone lost a pink mitten at 967" to "A bunch of cars were broken into last night..." and stay in touch with the neighbors.
