
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Now its just He Said

Quick update on the closing costs:  Apparently my little email got their attention.  One of the managers is suppose to be calling me tomorrow.  Right after the LO for NVR attempted to make a call today (left my phone at the office while I ran to get something for lunch).  If you word things just right- they will jump pretty high, lol

Update on the the trail:  I have been informed in no uncertain terms that the trail and the community space would not be completed until every last home is sold and all the homes are built.  Looks like my lot situation will be in limbo for about another year plus- best guess.  There are still 20 lots or so to be sold.  Typically takes about 3 months from the signing of the purchase agreement for them to get started on building your home (they had only 1 home being built before my house started the snowball effect) plus another 3 months to build the house, if there are NO complications.  Our PM has already said he will be starting one new home a week until the end of March.  That means if they magically sell all the homes tomorrow then the last of the ground breaking will begin towards the end of September.  I doubt they will do anything that December, January or February.  See how this is shaping up? Again it was reiterated that this was the developer's responsibility not RH.  And leaves lot 14 caught in the middle.  I think I will start a letter campaign to the developer as soon as I move in.  If you are a neighbor feel free to join  ;)

Update on the Update:  My SR just contacted me to let me know the trail will be completed in March and community space at the end of the building process.


  1. Great to hear the update! I'm not sure how many, if any after us, got sold. The 2 lots to the left of us can't be touched as of now since all the dirt for construction is there. We were told we couldn't buy those lots yet even if we wanted to. But we didn't. ;-) Just an FYI, my brother lives not far in Carlton Place in Sellersville for almost 4 yrs and they are still building & his next door lot neighbors only just moved in this year. It could take a few years for our neighborhood, but perhaps not since it's a smaller community. We are going there this weekend to put our next deposit down & post SOLD. :-))

    1. Congrats! In all honesty, I really wanted to know about that trail since it directly affects my lot. :) I was told to be patient but I never said that was one of my attributes, lol.

  2. I am very happy they told you March. Just be wary, the developer has NO RESPONSIBLILTY TO YOU AT ALL. We have been fighting our developer for years over here. He simply does not care to deal with homeowners, he simply owns the land. A few people here are going to have to try and sue him if they want any action. They were also told "March" 2 years ago. I have to be a Debby Downer, but our SR and developer would "tell" us anything to make us happy while we were building. Unless it's in writing from the developer, good luck my friend, I sincerely hope YOURS is diff from ours :(

  3. I wasn't aware that the trail was "yours" I believe it belongs to the COMMUNITY - and is part of the HOA FEE that everyone pays.

    1. Where did you read that I said the trail was mine? What I did say is that the trail helps to define MY lot and that's why I wanted to know exactly when it was going to be complete. In addition I wanted to know about the community space because if the trail was going to shrink my backyard I wanted a space for my children to play. NOT ONCE DID I SAY THAT THE TRAIL WAS MINE- But as a person who is going to pay HOA fees I have EVERY RIGHT TO KNOW the whens whats and whys of what I was sold,
