
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Inspection is complete!

I had my pre settlement inspection yesterday and things are looking good!  There is one major problem that needs to be fixed.  One that we would have never known about until it was blazing hot outside.  Our inspector did his due diligence and climbed into the attic and discovered that HVAC unit was collecting water from some unknown source.  The problem with this is that once the water level hits 1/2 deep, the unit shuts off.  Can you imagine a record breaking temp of 101 and service can't come out until 2 days later because its not an emergency?   They do not demonstrate the AC during the winter which this problem could have had the potential to brew and cause some major issues- including a leak in the ceiling!
Next major issue:  our step to the front porch.  It was leaning a bit and can pose a potential slip and fall risk.  Other than that paint this, nail that was the rest of the report.  All in all, my inspector reported it as a well built house.

While we were in the basement, I again questioned installing a wet bar using the 3 piece rough in we were told was needed to finish the task on our own.    It was confirmed that it was truly not needed for the wet bar- only to install a bathroom later.    I was told we could tap directly into the sump line, using a special sink with a pump.  BUT he also said, that it still may be useful for resale value as a lot of people look for an extra bathroom in a finished basement.   At this point, I really just want to move I am not thinking about selling.

NEWS FLASH: If you are like me than you haunt your community's website on Ryan Homes.  They reduce the number of models to be built down to 5- removing the Courtland Gate as a choice!  When choosing our lot there was not that many lots left that could accommodate the size of a CG with a morning room- something that they started including in the base price.  Not jealous at all.  Checking the math against what they will save vs what we saved- we would have ended up spending the same amount of money.  I am, however,  little jealous of the closing costs offer they are currently running, grrr.  Lastly- we are down to 10 lots!  Ten lots are left before we get into the swing of spring selling season.  Looks like we may be a completed community by the end of this year.

UPDATE:  If you have been following my mortgage saga- its getting closer to the end.  I was told by the loan officer that if everything cuts the mustard  we can feasibly look at closing next week.  To that end I have reset my count down clock.  I am still looking to hear back from Ryan on how this all fell apart so fast.  Our loan officer did take some of the blame and quickly moved in to help us figure out a plan BUT we still had to do the leg work.  I don't think I can rest until I have those keys in my hand.

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