
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

One more step

Quick update for those of you who have been hanging on to cliffhanger of a saga we have going on with this mortgage company.  
We finally received our GFE and the breakdown of all the charges.  The money needed to close is approximately $3000 LESS than originally predicted.  I am still a little ticked that the mortgage company had the nerve to charge us  $950 application fee!  For that type of money I expected a lot more than the last minute shenanigans we had to go through.  
In any case- we seem to be back on track (2 weeks after we derailed).  

1 comment:

  1. While we didn't personally have any issues with closing or NVR I did read that a LOT of other folx from different areas did. So you aren't alone. Upward and Onward!
