
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Pre Construction Meeting Date and Amerihome Update

After my kindly worded letter to latest person who was scheduled to handle our loan I was kindly invited to call the new processor to discuss my concerns.  I took her up on her offer.  S he patiently went through all the reasons she needed her long list of items and explained she just got my file this past Monday, about 3 weeks after my last contact with loan officer assistant.  She also promised to be a lot more responsive than her predecessors- I will hold her to that.

But on to more exciting news:  My pre construction meeting has finally been scheduled! We had been working on a list of questions but soon stopped because we were driving ourselves crazy.   Now with 2 weeks to go I guess we will begin to hone in our pre construction questions.  There are definitely more questions that have come up.  Lately, I have been absorbing myself in the grading of the lot.  I have read so many disaster stories that it has me a little concerned.

Crossing my fingers and hoping that all goes well.

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