
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

NVR and their cronies

Let me just say that this truly isn't a NVR problem but they did submit our application to another bank- Amerihome.

RH insists that you meet with a loan officer (either NVR or one of your own choosing) to start the loan application within one week of you signing the purchase agreement- we did that within in 4 days.  We got a call the following week from our loan officer at Amerihome and was approved- everything had to be submitted to underwriting.  Great!

I have contacted Amerihome on 3 separate occasions to see how underwriting was going.  I was told on 3 separate occasions everything was fine.  On the last inquiry I was told that the assistant of the assistant to the loan officer would be contacting us to verify a couple of pieces of information.
Well the contact came today- with a LONG lists of items they needed to be submitted- items that was submitted with the original application nearly 2 months ago!  I understand needing new bank statements and even an additional paystub BUT needing employment history, a W2 and a letter of intent for our current property that was submitted with the original application?  In addition they want us to sign paperwork on a disputed claim to say we don't dispute it.  ?!?!?!  This would mean we agree that we owe those funds- which Amerihome then would expect us to pay before we could proceed with the loan because it looks like an outstanding balance.

I expected them to request more paperwork- but the SAME paperwork and to go as far as to admit to an account we NEVER opened- already getting a little ticked.  I was informed that this info was needed before they could submit it to the processor.  Okay- what the hell were you doing for the last 2 months?

 I kindly responded saying they need to keep better records and that I expect a more timely response and acknowledgement from here on out.  After a few questions are answered, I will resubmit their requests- then I will be the most annoying person they ever met and email them everyday to make SURE that they are processing the paperwork and not just letting our files languish on the corner of someone's desk.  I am highly annoyed.

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